Whilst wishing You a very happy and successful 2014, DJ Don X (@djdonx) drops the 10th episode of his renowned afrobeat focused mixtape and within a few minutes of the mix posting online, it already caught onto the hash-tag #BaddestDJEverLivethMix10. This two side mix which is a bit nostalgic of the Side A and B of cassette tapes back in the day should be enjoyed in its entirety.

With that said, enjoy the mix, share, replay, post and leave your thoughts or better yet emotions felt while listening to it by tweeting @djdonx or commenting on the Facebook page.
In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. remember that “faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”

Stay xDorsed

baddest dj ever liveth_f mix 10 DJ Don X

DJ Don X baddestdjeverliveth-back_f


Download #baddestdjeverlivethmix10 Side A

Download #baddestdjeverlivethmix10 Side B

Download DJ Don X #BaddestDJEverLiveth Mix 10 Side A&B Split Tracks