Video: Rukus – Scared Money (Freestyle)

After signing with Trybe Records, Rukus (@Rukuslive) finally takes a break from his hectic schedule to drop a freestyle for his fans.
He is currently working on releasing his first single by the end of the year.
Enjoy New Sounds

Video: Rukus – Scared Money (Freestyle)

After signing with Trybe Records, Rukus (@Rukuslive) finally takes a break from his hectic schedule to drop a freestyle for his fans. He is currently working on releasing his first single by the end of the year.

Enjoy New Sounds




Video: Na!ra – Put Me On

The Afro-pop sensation NA!RA (@iamNaira) continues the promo of the bold and sexy single ‘Put Me ON’ in preparation for the release of her EP ‘Fearless: The Art of Letting Go’ 
Enjoy new sounds!

Dubstep party video.

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